Join Waitlist for

Private Chat

Yo! Filip of @filspixel here and I'm planning a private chat for open-minded people who love having trippy, mind-blowing convo's and other topics you won't find on Google.
Join the waitlist and I'll lyk.

Be Prepared To

Blow Your Mind

Open-minded conversations about the trippiest conspiracies, space facts, ancient civilizations, science & technology and even news that you don't see covered by the mainstream media.

Get Access To

Underground Content

The type of stuff you don't see on the front page of Google. Question everything and dig deep to discover the stuff that's intentionally hidden from the public.

Finally a Place to

Speak Your Mind

Aren't you tired of governments and big tech imposing all these restrictions on what we're allowed to talk about and have access to online. Permission to speak freely granted (but be nice).

OK seriously

This is the bottom

What are you doing down here? Nothing more to see you've hit the end! Let me help you back up.